
Fifth Anniversary – November 11, 2016

It is difficult to believe that already 5 years has gone from that dark tragic day 11.11.11.when we lost our darling beautiful friend. But our Svitlanka is still alive in memories of people who knew her, who loved her and who cherish these memories no matter how long ago her human body was destroyed in that terrible accident. Her spirit is still with us, we see her face and her smile, we hear her voice and her laughter and we remember those happy moments we shared with her.

Second anniversary November 11, 2013

11/11/2013 – second anniversary of Svitlana’s death. Friends and family come together to remember our beautiful friend, sister and daughter.

A letter from Gerry Matthews

People with long memories on the history of TfL cycle superhighways in Tower Hamlets may recall late 2011 when two cyclists died and one was very seriously injured in the borough, all within a few weeks in late Octorber and early November. The deaths of Brian Dorling and Svitlana Tereschenko (Bow roundabout) and severe injury to Mary Bowers (crossing The Highway on her way to work in Pennington St shortly after leaving CS3) occurred during a period of protest about TfL plans. or lack of, elsewhere that led to the very well attended flash rides over Blackfriars Bridge and the Dangerous Junctions tour (14th November 2011). It was on the way back from the latter with a 30 strong ‘feeder’ that THW members planned the vigil at Bow roundabout for Friday 18th November, which was attended by over 200 cyclists and local residents. The happenstance of the other protests and the opening of the London Mayoral election brought attendance commitments from borough politicians and mayoral candidates and resulted in a great deal of media attention and late on the same afternoon TfL announced the programme reviewing junctions on the CS and TLRN. The subsequent history of which is another tale to be reviewed elsewhere. However this Monday, 11th November, is the second anniversery of Svitlana’s death and her friends have invited us to be at the commemorative events. This includes a small gathering that will take place at the roundabout on Monday evening at about 18.30 (exit Stratford High St). Another happenstance with the opening of the CS2 ‘extension’ and the announcement of the upgrade Aldgate to Bow. All welcome to stop and chat.

Sveta’s 36th birthday

Today she would turn 36. And today she is still with us in our memory and in our hearts young and beautiful and always will be! We love and remember you our wonderful friend!

London Cycling Campaign

Anniversary of Bow death highlights need to improve dtiving standards and lorry safety Please read the full story on London Cycling Campaign website. Many thanks for linking to our site and memorial book.

Sveta’s 35th birthday

3 February Sveta’s closest friends who have known her for 10 years that she lived in London celebrated her life. Sveta lived her life in full and achieved so much. She travelled a lot and made a lot of friends. 20 of her friends whom she met in London during her short but beautiful life got together in Central London in Sveta’s favourite restaurant to celebrate her life.

Another cyclist dies in London – The Times

A man in his 60s was killed by a coach while cycling through London. The death came on the day that the 11,000th person signed up to the Times campaign to prevent such horrific incidents by revolutionising British streets for cyclists. Please read the full story here Campaign joined by thousands as another cyclist dies Full story here …. The news came as The Times received official backing from the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group, which pledged to push forward the demands made in our Cities fit for cycling manifesto and will table an Early Day Motion supporting the campaign in the House of Commons on Monday morning. Ian Austin, joint chairman of the group, said: “I think the campaign is absolutely brilliant. The parliamentary group backs the campaign and is keen to meet people from The Times to discuss how we can get the issues on the manifesto in front of the right people.” Lord Sugar, the rower James Cracknell and the singer Florence Welch, all keen cyclists, have joined the pantheon of famous backers, many of whom appear in the Bike Britain supplement in The Times newspaper today. Welch said: “Me and my whole family cycle and my father was knocked off his bike last year. It was so traumatic for all of us, so understandably I am a huge supporter of the campaign for safer cycling.”